she tells him that he may do so. when he is done exploring, he can either return to the usual beach or go back to the villa. she tries to give him independence and leaves him there by himself.
My definition: Able to catch fire or ignite
The definition: easily set on fire; combustible; inflammable.
NOUN if that is one of your answers
Peace is as much in accordance with nature's plan as violence in against it.
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A good citizen is a responsible member of a family and a conscious person of a society. It is very important to become good citizens because the development of the nation mainly depends on the activities of the citizens of the country. To become good citizens we have to become active both at home and in the society. There are many things our parents and others do at our home. But often they need our participation. We can carry things from one place to another. We can go to the nearby shops and buy things for our families. Then we can easily take care of our younger when our parents are busy otherwise. Besides, we can take part in washing, cleaning and decorating our home. Even we can comfortably help our mothers in their cooking and preparing various food items. These activities of ours can help a lot to the betterment of our family environment. This attitude of cooperation should also be extended outside our home. We can do many good things for development of our locality. Beautiful relation and better understanding are most important in this regard. We can work to establish an environment of beautiful relation among the people of our locality. We can do this great thing by doing small activities easily. Often people in our localities hold various social, religious and cultural programs. We can eagerly participate in these programs. We can do that according to the need and instructions of the elderly social leaders. Then frequently the roads and streets of our areas need repair and servicing. We can voluntarily work to repair them. Besides, we can work together to construct new roads and pavements to facilitates public movement and easy transportation throughout our localities. Moreover, we can go gracious activities to the weak and poor of our areas. A small loan of economic help can make a poor man self-reliant. We can arrange such financial help for them that can lead the whole society to a healthy environment. Thus our active participation in different activities both at home and in the localities can make our living atmosphere comfortable, happy and healthy. And this is how we can become good citizens.
mitgliedd1 and 150 more users found this answer helpful
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Brainly User
First of all what is good citizen? What are his/her duties?
Don't be confused; the one who do all duties towards her city or county is a good citizen. Duties like make sure that their country or city is neat and clean; everyone who is living there is happy without any problem etc..
A good citizen always makes sure that in the area in which they are living is always neat and clean. Because if the area where they are living is clean then they live happily without any disease. Because the area in which people don't make sure that the area is clean or not. Because of garbage many disesaes came into their house. Because from garbage smells came and flies also sat on them. Due to sitting of flies some bacteria also stick to their legs and when they sit on the food that we eat cause us many disesaes.
So, as a good citizen we have to make sure that the city in which we are living is neat and clean. If we start from house to then others also think about it. And by seeing in end everyone thinks about it to make their house neat and clean then city or county. And by seeing the whole state in end may be world !!
florianmanteyw and 65 more users found this answer helpful
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