This is true. The taller the vehicle the lower the stability would be, if at the same time its width stays the same. For example, a mini van that enters a curve at high speeds will most certainly roll over while a car that is wider and has the same height, or is smaller, won't roll over.
Only one firm selling all products in the market.
The absence of the substitutes of these suppliers.
The policy of unique product, i.e., absence of substitute the product sold by one firm,
Barriers to the entry and exit to the markets in terms of government, franchise, patents, copyrights, ownership.
Control of complete information e.g. secret formula.
look it up on safari or Google
Hello/Goodbye – 안녕하세요 – An-nyeong-ha-se-yo. ...
Nice to meet you – 반갑습니다 – Ban-gap-sum-ni-da. ...
Thank you – 감사합니다 – Kam-sa-ham-ni-da. ...
Excuse me/just a moment – 잠시만요 – Jam-shi-man-yo. ...
I'm sorry -죄송합니다/미안합니다 – Chway-seong-ham-ni-da/Mi-an-ham-ni-da. ...
Please (Please give) – 주세요 – Ju-se-yo.
<u>Intr-o</u> zi am fost sa ma plimb in parc.
Am fost<u> intr-un</u> castel in vizita.
<u>Dintr-un</u> copac a coborat o veverita.
Pisica a iesit <u>dintr-o</u> cutie.