The direction system is useful, but imprecise. It is better to use a bearing. If you were standing at the Washington Monument, w
hat bearing would you need to walk to go to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, which houses many important geological specimens (Hint: Many of the buildings on the National Mall are part of the Smithsonian – make sure you get the correct building!)?
Throughout the document attached elsewhere here, the overview including its concern is mentioned.
Bearing is perhaps the approach to almost the same position in degrees, determined by that of the angle created either byline that connects two points with either the accordance that connects the present position as well as north.
Google Earth does indeed have a ruler function through one position to something else that could even conveniently measure bearings. I was using it to render the bearings measurement.
The Smithsonian American art Natural History Museum measures 74.67 degrees from either the Washington Monument.