For the answer to the question above, <span> the geologists must look closely at the physical properties of a mineral. These properties can include the color, streak, hardness, cleavage, specific gravity, crystal form, and others factors.
For the answer to the question above, the geologists must look closely at the physical properties of a mineral. These properties can include the color, streak, hardness, cleavage, specific gravity, crystal form, and others factors. Explanation: Even geologists will<span> have a </span>tough<span> time </span>distinctive<span> minerals. There </span>area unit<span> over </span>four<span>,000 </span>better-known<span> minerals, and </span>close to<span> 80-100 new one's </span>area unit<span> discovered </span>annually<span>. Of </span>these<span>, </span>solely some<span> hundred </span>are thought of<span> common.</span>
<span>To help with identification, geologists </span>should<span> look closely at the physical properties of a mineral. These properties </span>will<span> include color, streak, hardness, cleavage, </span>relative density<span>, crystal </span>type<span>, and others. By observing them one can predict properties.</span>
The term unceded means the unyielded like the unproductive lands or wastelands, the term ancestral means belonging to some other old or belonging to prehistoric inherited form.
The term traditional means something that is tribal or native to the place of origin or it's traditional has specific moral values and ethical code of conduct associated with it. Like the traditional practices of people.
The term territorial means to related to the land or oceanic territory under the jurisdiction of the state or ruler, or province.
All these words together mean someplace on earth that is both a traditional property of the ancients like the Mayan civilization in America or the barren or destroyed ancient ruins of Greece.
Tremendous heat and pressure within the earth cause the hot magma to flow in convection currents. These currents cause the movement of the tectonic plates that make up the earth's crust.