Providence was in agreement with the native americans and the people were promised religious freedom and separation of church and state. Another dissident who is anne hutchinson educated that worshippers to did not need the church or its ministers to understand the bible for them. Displaced from the colony with her family and a band of followers and escaped first to rhode island and after her husband died to new netherlands which later developed portion of new york where she died in a war with native americans.
Before Constantine. The first recorded official persecution of Christians on behalf of the Roman Empire was in AD 64, when, as reported by the Roman historian Tacitus, Emperor Nero attempted to blame Christians for the Great Fire of Rome.
There are about 346657,656,688,536,000,121 books with characters named ethan in them
The three Round Table Conferences of 1930–32 were a series of peace conferences organized by the British Government and Indian political personalities to discuss constitutional reforms in India. ... By the 1930s, many British politicians believed that India needed to move towards dominion status.