The moment for making a sacrifice is when you receive more value than the value you give.
To sacrifice is giving up something very important to receive something more valuable, or someone worth sacrifice. Making a sacrifice is usually related to some other person who influences in making decisions.
People who sacrifice to receive something greater don’t regret sacrificing, they look at that as another path they have chosen and they are happy with the result.
"A Fortunate Mistake"
"Hello" I said when I answered my phone
"Hi, is this the su***de hotline?" The stranger said. He sounded like he was crying.
"No. This isn't but maybe I can help?" I said. Worried.
"N-No sorry. I'm sorry for bothering you Ma'am" He said.
Maybe I should try to keep him on the phone. Try to see if I can help him.
"It's okay. What's your name?" I said.
"M-my name is Joey" He said still sounding like he's crying.
"Hi Joey. My name is Lizzie. Where are you from?" I said trying to distract him from whats making him cry.
"I-I'm from L-Liverpool" he said stuttering.
"Oh! I'm from Liverpool too!" I said excitedly trying to make him feel better.
This is all I could think of try to think of how to continue this. And I know it's not that great. <em>
Good luck!</em></h2>
Aquamarine, audition, century,factory, transportation
I’m pretty sure it’s “The roof was pelted by hail.”