the size and borders of a specific country
In "Letter by a Swiss-German Immigrant to Pennsylvania" America is the symbol for a free country. By this adjective "free" the author wants to explain how is America a place for living. Free means that everyone is welcome to come. The author creates a picture of America, where you can settle without asking everyone, where there is a wide landscape, spacious land "from Canada to the east of us to Carolina in the south and to the Spanish border in the west".
One of the most important detail is there is no payment for taxes to land, but in Europe, you must pay. Free country for author means there are no obligations for living there. He thinks that America is promised land.
Polonius is using his daughter to spy her conversation with Hamlet. He teaches how to act naturally, how to walk and pretend that she is reading.
In that last phrase, he is saying that we humans often act in deceitful ways, for which we are to blame.
He admits that he is making a mistake, in teaching that kind of behaviour to his own daughter.
Answer: Convection defines the heat transfer by air or water. It is the process by which heat is transferred from a hotter body to a colder body.
Examples of convection are: Steam rising from a coffee mug, smoke rising from campfire, heater blowing warm air.
The warmer air moves up and the colder air sinks in or down. This is how the convection works.
The heat from coffee moves through the steam particles into the air. Another example is heated air blows from the blower. The smoke rising from fire carries warm air to the upside and colder air to downside.