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The five groups of people that were part of the factory employees were owners, managers, children's, artisans and immigrants. These are the five basic employees that were found in factories. In some cases there can be other kind of employees for specialized jobs in certain factories, but they were not common to all factories.
b. did not initially cover all categories of workers.
The American Social Security System was very different from what we know today, in its early years of establishment, during the New Deal. The main difference was that it did not cover all professional categories (which made it different from the European pension system). Professional categories were included in this system as the US economic condition strengthened through other New Deal reforms. This happened little by little, until it became what we know today.
Trait approach
The trait approach theory was first given by Gordon Allport in the 1930s. It is also called a trait theory of leadership. In the beginning, there was found about 4500 traits that were later combined and finalized into three categories.
The trait theory has been criticizing because this theory has very little generalization results in their traits theory as not applicable to most of the great leaders. This theory focuses on the leadership but not on the situation.