According to Machiavelli's the Prince, princes should act in a practical manner. Machiavelli produced a practical guide to the arts of statecraft, which served the practical needs of the powerful families that emerged in the Italian city-states during the Renaissance. Statecraft involved carefully crafted approaches to the realistic conditions faced by rulers. It was driven less by emotion or morality but reason.
In the poem "Garden of My Childhood, the author’s childhood garden is a metaphor for his home country, China. With great sorrow, Chang has to leave the garden of his childhood, that is to say, China, and flee to another country (America). Therefore, the central team of the poem is exile, and Chang’s feelings about leaving his home and his new life.
<span>The Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 (frequently called the "court-packing plan") was a legislative initiative proposed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to add more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.</span>
is that the peasant are lower class people they get no respect from the rich