The real existence of Scotland's Loch Ness monster has been neither proved nor disproved, but an inquiry into the history of the legend,past expeditions to Loch Ness, and discoveries made by the explorers to the area continue to arouse interest in the validity of the monsters existence.
If you had the choice of designing a new high school or new elementary school which would you design and why?
Is there a difference between a good and a successful school? Why or why not
I would re-design a highschool, because their usually really trashed ect. in my opinion no their is not a differenice because they both can be successful and different things..
Taking Notes and Planning.
This is a difficult question to answer because it varies per person but I would assume that it's the taking notes and planning process since this is where you would have to re-read the passages or articles and find which topics would be the best to talk about. Once this process is complete, the writing and revision would come naturally since you have already planned what you are going to write about.
B. Fortunato hopes Montresor is playing a joke on him.