Embedding the environment in all levels of decision-making and action.
Conceptualizing cities and communities, economic and political life as a subset of the environment.
Emphasizing the connection of people to the ecosystems in which they live.
Demographers study the growth and decline of human populations, and urban planners plan for the futures of cities (e.g. electricity, water, and transportation needs). Demographers and urban planners would benefit from working together to help solve difficult problems in society and to help plan for the future. A demographer would be very helpful to urban planners as they plan for the future of a city. For example, an urban planner would want to have an idea of the population growth in the city, or of the average growth rate in other cities, when planning for the city's future transportation, water, and electricity needs. Demographers and urban planners are important to each other! They help each other plan for the future of society
The PERIMETER of the equator cycle is about 40,000Km. The Greenwich cycle is a bit shorter as the earth is a bit an ellipsoid. About 37,000Km by Google Maps. The distance on the envelope between ANY antipodes (=opposite points on the axis, I won't use "diameter" to avoid confusion) is HALF the perimeter (If you walk the whole perimeter long, you'd get to the same point, of course). The distance through Earth is
The reason European societies took the lead in technological innovation, and became the dominant political and economic centers of the modern world were because of their natural resources and locations that were most conducive to cultural innovation and economic development.