C. Organize it into charts, graphs, do calculation if necessary.
What occurs when the stomata close and evaporation stops is that, the tension in the xylem continues to increase until the living cells of the leaf are fully hydrated. This happens according to the cohesion-tension theory of sap ascent.
This happens at night. Transpiration stops immediately when the stomata is closed. There is a cohesion between each water molecule and adhesion between the water molecules and the stem walls; water is held in the leaves ad stems when the stomata is closed this hereby increases the tension.
Nitrogen Containing Base. It can be either Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine, Uracil
I think zoe because you can’t just test which one is the best it’s too broad to investigate
If I were hired as a genetic counselor to advise a couple about the odds of the couple having a baby with a genetic disorder and I wanted to order lab tests to be done on the pregnant mother to determine if the baby has a genetic disorder (amniocentesis)-what kind of test would be done? How would the test determine if the baby has a genetic disorder or not? If it is determined that the couple's baby has a genetic disorder, then what advice should I provide to that couple? Why? What if the couple went against my advice? Whose advice (mine-the genetic counselor representing science or the couple representing society) should be considered?