With pure democracy, he means a system in which every citizen votes directly for laws, and, with republic, he intends a society in which citizens elect a small body of representatives who then vote for laws.
Pretty much anyone who was not male, rich, white, straight and fit into the medieval English ideal. Hope this helped!
Hamilton participated in the formation of the US as a Federation, so we are talking about the first US Senate.
A very distinctive feature is transparency. At that first moment, the meetings were secret, there was no permission from spectators and for a long time did not even have the publication of minutes. Today, with Democracy consolidated, there is transparency. Everything that happens in the Senate is documented and transmitted to society through official media and the press.
In addition, the role of the vice president of the republic should be emphasized. In that Senate, the vice president had the power to command the Senate. Today, the vice president only fulfills his missions in executive power, while the president of the Senate is chosen by a vote among the senators.
The Civil War
Pretty obvious why it happened. Confederate veterans were fed up with the Conservative legislators, so they created a hate group to go against the typical Conservative idea that slaves should be free. Hope this helps :)
1)both restricted personal liberties and treated minorities poorly
2) both take rights away from citizens under the guise of progress and Public Safety
3) both lead to tyrannical leaders will gain control in the name of progress
4) both offer hope to a country that has faced desperation depression and extreme duress
5) both would disdain American and British governments
- Nazism is the ideology of the regime that ruled Germany from 1934 to 1945 with the coming to power of the National Socialist German Workers Party of Adolf Hitler (NSDAP). Hitler instituted a dictatorship, the self-proclaimed Third Reich. The Reich joined Austria from the Anschluss, as well as the Sudetenland as well as Memel and Danzig. During the Second World War, the Nazis occupied land in France, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway. The Germany of this period is known as Nazi Germany.
- Fascism is an ideology, a political movement and a type of totalitarian and undemocratic state; created by the Italian leader Benito Mussolini, spread in interwar Europe from 1918 to 1939. Among the features of fascism is the exaltation of values such as the fatherland or race to keep the masses permanently mobilized, which has led to frequency to the oppression of minorities (Jews, gypsies, homosexuals ...) and a strong militarism. In this sense the enemy is identified as an external entity, unlike the typical left-wing totalitarianisms in which the enemy is internal (bourgeoisie).