Different regions are more influenced by different religions based on where they are in the world. Climate, agriculuture and many other factors also can change how regions are culturally different due to religion. Some places are more religion dependent while others are not. I live in one of the biggest cities in the united states and if you don't want religious influence, you by no means have to have it. But meanwhile my grandma lives in a town that only about 1,000 people live and religion is everything to them.
I would say the answers would include and increase of availability for education band health care for the population in South Asia, because offering those resources really tackle the root problems of their social, geographical, and political turmoil
metamorphic rock are the rock which are formed when igneous rock and sedimentary rock change from one form to another form due to more heat and pressure. long time exposure of heat and pressure on the sedimentary rock and igneous rock changes them from one form to another form and metamorphic rocks get form