It was the first time that I was going to do a little research and development, I have been working and I am sure you using to
7 is a schematic view of a portion of said plurality of data to be the first time since I do have some fun and I am sure you have the time or money to be the first to know that I about time you have 7
John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie were crucial platers in the modernization and development of the U.S economy. Although their monopolies devoured their field of business and caused suffering for many under their rule, the lessons we learned on how to limit business has been crucial to the survival of our nation. It is due to the businesses they made and the lesson they taught that we should celebrated them as ambitious “Captains of Industry”
I hope this helps! :)
In The Crucible, Reverend Hale<span> is brought in as an expert on witchcraft. His job is to investigate the claims and interview all those involved. </span>Hale<span> takes this work very seriously and he intends to rid Salem of any instances of witchcraft. ... </span>Hale<span>represents the dichotomy of the witch </span>trials<span>.</span>
The Tribal Assembly or Assembly of the People (comitia populi tributa) of the Roman Republic was an assembly consisting of all Roman citizens convened by the tribes (tributim). During the Roman Republic, citizens were organized on the basis of 35 tribes: four urban tribes of the citizens in the city of Rome, and 31 rural tribes of citizens outside the city. The tribes gathered in the Tribal Assembly to vote on legislative, judicial and electoral matters. Each tribe voted separately and one after the other. In each tribe, decisions were made by majority vote and its decision counted as one vote regardless of how many electors each tribe held. Once a majority of tribes voted in the same way on a given measure, the voting ended and the matter was decided. The president of the Tribal Assembly was usually either a "consul" or a "praetor". The Tribal Assembly elected the "quaestors", and the "curule aediles". it conducted trials for non-capital punishment cases. However, the Roman Dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla reassigned this to special jury courts in 82 BC.There are disagreements among modern historians regarding the number and nature of the tribal assembly .
The citizens did not elect legislative representatives (such as congressmen or MPs). Instead, they voted themselves on legislative matters in the popular assemblies, the tribal assembly and the plebeian council). Bills were proposed by magistrates and the citizens only exercised their right to vote. The citizens also elected the magistrates in the popular assemblies. They were presided over by a single magistrate. It was the presiding magistrate who made all decisions on matters of procedure and legality. His power over the assembly could be nearly absolute. The only check on his power came in the form of vetoes by other magistrates. Any decision made by a presiding magistrate could be vetoed by the "plebeian tribunes".