These are my thoughts
To me, this quote means that even when you become successful, you won't always stay that way. It could also mean that even when you become successful you have to keep working to stay there. There are people in this world that work hard every day to make something of themselves while others are gifted that. People that work hard to reach the top understand what it means to work for something and be rewarded with their dream and can still be humble. Others that don't work for it don't understand that so if they were to go to the bottom they wouldn't understand how to deal with it, or work to get back to where they were. Starting from the bottom can teach people a lot of things, just appreciating the little things can make life easier for a person. They will always know how to handle and care for themselves when they have nothing. Going from nothing to something will always make a difference when you can understand or recognize someone else's struggle. Nobody stays at the top forever. Just like the quote says "You cannot stay on the summit forever."
Frank: internal conflict
Mr. Farris: external conflict
Mark: external conflict
Mrs. MacDougal: internal conflict
Franks conflict is internal because he is not upset with his friends for not making it to the party, but rather feels guilty with himself for not saying anything.
Mr. Farris has an external conflict because he had a heated disagreement with another person.
Mark has an external conflict because he has angered his team members by continually missing practice sessions.
Mrs. MacDougal has an internal conflict because she is indecisive regarding her evening plans. This only has to do with her and not other people.
It means unclear or unknown