Answer: We do know that one of the hopes of the document was to end slavery. ... Another hope of the document was to galvanize the war effort.His one goal, he said, was “lasting peace among ourselves.” He called for “malice towards none” and “charity for all.” The war ended only a month later.
That statement is false on a number of levels. Jeremy Bentham was not a boot maker. He was born to a wealthy family and was studying Latin by age three. He trained as a lawyer and became famous as a philosopher. Oh, and he died in 1832, so he wasn't doing much of anything in 1841. He is famous as one of the founders of Utilitarianism as an ethical theory. He also did philosophical work in regard to criminal justice and prisons. He proposed what he called the "Panopticon" as a design for prisons, in which all inmates can be observed from a central guard position.
Survivors who moved from camps close to front were sent to Bergen Belsen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Terezin (The Residents Traditional) and Ravens Bruckner, or one of their many sub-camps. The resulting overcrowding in these camps hastened the spread of disease and caused many more deaths.
In every camp, Allied soldiers encountered appalling scenes. Bergen Belsen was liberated by British forces on the 15 April 1945. It become exceptionally overcrowded after the arrival of survivors of the death marches. Thousands of unburied bodies lay strewn around the camp, while the barracks some 60,000 starving and mortally ill people werè packed togethér without food or water. The mortality rate amongst those suffering from typhus over 60 ℅.
The first iñtake of the food proved fatal for many prisoners, too weak from starvatioñ to dîgest it. For survivors of Nazi camps, the road to recovery would be long and painful.
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