I would go with the third one if im not wrong.
Abraham Gesner, geologist, author, chemist, inventor .
Gesner invented kerosene oil and, because of his patents for distilling bituminous material, was a founder of the modern Petroleum Industry.
Answer: willam h harrison
yess that's your right answer
The president's decision can be repealed by an a lot of Congress, if the president vetoes a law that has been affirmed
Further Explanation:
A veto is the capacity to uniquely stop an official action, especially the approval of order.
Veto a law:
Reestablishing the unsigned bill to Congress involves a veto. If the Congress supplants the veto by a 66% vote in each house, it advances toward getting to be law without the President's imprint. Something different, the bill fails to wrap up law with the exception of on the off chance that it is shown to the President again and the President signs it.
What happens presidential veto:
Congress can supplant the veto by a 66% vote of the two chambers, whereupon the bill advances toward getting to be law. In case Congress balances the bill's landing by being rejected during the 10-day time span, and the president does not sign the bill, a "pocket veto" occurs and the bill does not advance toward getting to be law.
presidential Veto:
The power of the President to decrease to help a bill or joint objectives and thusly hinder its organization into law is the veto. The president has ten days (excepting Sundays) to sign a bill passed by Congress.
Subject: History
Level: High School
keywords: Veto, Veto a law, What happens presidential veto, presidential Veto.
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