Our limbs, such as our arms and legs, grow basically at the same time and to the same length. ... Scientists are still unsure of how exactly human arms, legs, ears, or lungs grow in such a symmetrical way.
Imminent danger. have a nice day
A compensatory decision-making strategy is an approach to decision-making process which typically involves weighing the negative and positive attributes of an alternative and allows the positive attributes to compensate for the negative attributes. Thus, it allows an attribute with a higher value to compensate for the attribute with a lesser value.
In this scenario, a consumer wants to choose from an array of possible physician groups and decided to trade off (compensate) one attribute of the group with another such as hours a physician group is open versus the number of physicians; a higher value in number of hours a physician is open compensates for number of physicians.
Hence, he or she is using a compensatory approach to decision making.
God made every one beautiful