Betty Friedan's argument in <em>The feminine mystique</em> (1963) is made from the point of view of psychology and sociology through the analysis of surveys and interviews with women. Friedan was trying to explain why the surveys showed women were unhappy in their domestic lives.
The author found that women being educated to believe that domestic life should be their primary objective made women feel worthless.
This education for a domestic life happened through family, school, college, and media. There weren't many places women could get out of this destiny.
They felt worthless because a domestic life by itself doesn't provide a sense of realization and accomplishment. That's why, according to Friedan, it was so common to see women seeking fulfillment through community projects and the like.
<em>The feminine mystique</em> was a bestseller and one of the starters of the second-wave feminism in the 60s.
It was created to protect the rights of each us citizen
Answer: Montesquieu
Explanation: Montesquieu was one of the greatest political phylosophers of eighteenth century. He is a French National known for his works on the separation of Power,he was also a French Judge he has a strong sympathy for women,their values and prejudice placed on them as they age,he spoke against the discrimination of Women and other oppressed class of persons.
He believes that with separation of power no single individual will have too much power on his hands to oppress others.
He ends up back at the starting point because if he walks the same steps forwards and backwards he would be in the same spot