The heart must beat faster during exersise because by increasing the heart rate the body is able to increase cardiac output and deliver the necessary blood flow to the mucles
An area where soil has eroded experience loss of nutrients. The topmost layer of soil is called the topsoil and is the most fertile. Soil erosion results in the loss of soil fertility and makes the land barren
The main cause of soil erosion is the removal of vegetation, which exposes the topsoil to water and wind. Wind and water are the main agents of soil erosion.
Water erosion can be sheet erosion, rill erosion, gully erosion or riparian erosion.
The average temperature of a freshwater wetland in summer is 76 degrees Fahrenheit. The average temperature in winter is 30 degrees Fahrenheit. The climate in freshwater wetlands is usually semitropical, as freezing conditions rarely occur.
The most common freshwater wetland is swampland. The freshwater biome is located on every continent except for Antarctica. Most people think of it being a nuisance, but freshwater wetlands are an important part of our ecosystem. More examples of freshwater wetlands are marshes or bogs. In freshwater wetland the water will always be standing water. Most of them will have water in them all of the time, but some will only have water in them during certain parts of the year. There are 4 different seasons in freshwater wetlands. There is Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. The average temperature of a freshwater wetland in summer is 76 degrees Fahrenheit. The average temperature in winter is 30 degrees Fahrenheit. The average rainfall in a freshwater wetland is 59 inches or 150 centimeters to 200 inches or 500 centimeters. The freshwater wetlands get and average of 7-10 hours of sunlight a day throughout the year.
Its called invasive species one example is the lion fish it rooms around the east cost of north America overpopulation harms the ecosystem
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