Don’t touch the link they are so annoying i js want to ban
<u>Some people want to be famous.</u>
Nouns require agreement in gender and number. Personas is feminine and plural, so "some" needs to be feminine and plural.
<u>No man wants to go to that movie.</u>
Hombre is singular and masculine.
<u>I don't know anything.</u>
"I don't know (lit. nothing) anything" vs. "I don't know something"
<u>I never read books.</u>
Words to describe how often something is done go before the verb.
<u>Some girls dance.</u>
M/F and # agreement
La ley de velocidad mínima prohíbe a los conductores reducir la velocidad o detenerse para impedir el flujo normal del tráfico.
You: No me siento bien.
You: Estoy muy conmocionada.