1. The address of le musée Rodin est: 77, rue de Varenne, 75007 PARIS.
2. I can’t see the ticket
3. Le musée Marmottan est 2, rue Louis-Boilly.
4. Yes, Le penseur is located in le musée Rodin.
5. Le Baiser en cours de restauration is the name of another sculpture in le musée Rodin.
6. No, you aren’t allowed to touch the sculptures in le musée Rodin.
7. I don’t know it doesn’t say
There are some endings that are typically masculine such as –on, but if you find it coming after a letter s or the letter c, it will often be feminine. Nouns that end in consonants like t, x, d, l, f, m or s, etc. tend to all be masculine words.
Answer:Quand tante Élise a téléphoné, mon oncle is translated to
When Aunt Elise called, uncle
Explanation:when elise called,uncle he said i am hungry
c. ma
J'aime ma mere translates to I love my mom. Tes means yours, and son means his.