During the Age of Discovery (also known as the Age of Exploration), which took place from around the 15th Century until about the 18th Century, the following explorers took respective routes to observe the paired locations:
Christopher Columbus to the Americas
Corte Real to Newfoundland
Da Gama to India
Cabral to Brazil
Tasman to New Zealand
Magellan to Straits of Magellan
Janszoon to Australia
Balboa to the Pacific Ocean
James Cook to Hawaii and Antarctica
The "Potato Famine" forced many Irish citizens to immigrate to America.
Hitler was elected as a strong leader by Germans who felt angry following the Treaty of Versailles,
Your best answer is D, but it doesn't really make sense.
Adolf Hitler rose to power during the Great Depression with the collapse of the provisional government, which was set up by the Allies after World War I. He helped bring prosperity to the German people, lifting them out of the great depression, and giving them jobs that included manufacturing, building & beautifying, arts and sculpture, etc. The reason D doesn't make sense, is because, yes, the Germans were angry about the Treaty of Versailles as being unfair, but it wasn't the only reason that allowed Hitler to rise to power. The failure of the provisional government, the Great Depression, and many other events were all influences to Hitler's rise to power.
Rebecca Felton is the answer