What made him so famous was he was a preacher that was capable of commanding thousands on two continents through the sheer power of his oratory. He preached at least 18,000 times to 10 million hearers.
In a social system, there are peers and strangers to distract one from pursuing their work. While chatting with others, you may forget your train of thought or a good idea. People are likely to take you away from your work more so than a physical system (in which you can always turn off the TV, but not get people to quiet down)
Answer: People didn't cross picket lines to show solidarity in an attempt for better wages, better working conditions and various other things that would or could make their lives better.
Explanation: Back in the 50's and 60's when unions were very strong, you were considered a "scab" if you crossed a picket line. You took a chance of being hurt, harassed by other strikers and you showed you were not a team player.
Answer: Diocletian's reforms fundamentally changed the structure of Roman imperial government, and stabilized the empire economically and militarily. This helped the empire to remain intact for another hundred years, despite having seemed near the brink of collapse in Diocletian's youth.
Hope this helps :D
Have you ever thought and wondered about your religion.Have you ever thought how important your religion really is.It's really hard to imagine a world without religion.Are world is full of religion with all sorts of different beliefs.Most people get up everyday and without religion we wouldn't have moral beliefs plus we wouldn't have a past to tell about ourselves.Here are some reason why religion is so important to to our society.
Some people believe that religion is not a deal,but it actually is.Let's say the world all of a sudden forgot religion.Well some of the world will have an economical impact because most of are learning comes from religion.Churches would also be a long thing in the past ,maybe good for some people but all people.The world would also be a lot lonelier than are society today.Some people will also be affected by the lack the head feeling comfortable talking to the spiritual world.We will also not believe in a god,and yes we do have some people who don't believe in god but just imagine if the world did not believe in god at all.There is basically no leader if there is no god to believe in.
We can't also forget that religions that we do everyday will disappear to.Christiananity,buddhism,hinduism,and more will no longer be a thing.we could also say goodbye to praying as everyone wouldn't believe praying is necessary to god.All this i why religion is really important to us and could rip us whole.beliefs will be gone as well such as reincarnation, practices,and rituals.If it wasn't for religion we would feel a lot worse to ourselves personally which most likely lead to not taking care of ourselves and possibly death.We would also find people going hungry as know on would have consideration for the poor.Most of are happiness comes from religion which could be bad if it was gone.
Now you know the reasons why religion is so important.Those are just the small concepts that could happen if religion was gone from our world.Of course more things could happen.Not just one religion could be affected but all religions that we know could be affected.In conclusion without religion life would not be as we know it today