The emancipation proclamation went into effect on January 1st 1863. It stated that all people with slaves had to be free, that was only with the rebellious states. These rebellious states were the ones in the South. So that is how the South was affected by this. They had to give up there slaves, but there slaves were there labor and they had to learn how to do without.
The main difference between them was that Athens focused on the sea while Sparta focused on the land. Spartan boys went into training when they were only 7 years old. Every man had only one occupation and that was the soldier. They were a fierce and unmatched fighting force in Greece at the time but only on land. On sea Athens dominated with its superior navy with a ship design called the Trireme. It was a lot more powerful in battel than previous ships at the time.
In 1860 the NYC population was almost 1,068,000
d.All of the settlements were close to major bodies of water.
In the map you can observe that all of the settlements that were located in america were settled near major bodies of water, in bays, and in major rivers, this was because the first settlers that came from England were arriving on boats and the best way to access the new settlements was by boat, so most of the settlements were close to major bodies of water so they were reachable.
Montesquieu was a French lawyer, man of letters, and one of the most influential political philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. His political theory work, particularly the idea of separation of powers, shaped the modern democratic government.