Finally, in 1380, Hongwu had Hu and his entire family arrested and executed on charges of treason. Using this as an opportunity to purge his government, the emperor also ordered the execution of countless other officials, as well as their families, for associating with Hu.
Battle of Flamborough Head<span> began. </span>Serapis<span> engaged </span>Bonhomme Richard<span>, and soon afterwards, </span>Alliance<span> fired, from a considerable distance, at </span>Countess<span>. Quickly recognizing that he could not win a battle of big guns, and with the wind dying, Jones made every effort to lock </span>Richard<span> and </span>Serapis<span> together (his famous, albeit possibly </span>apocryphal<span>, quotation "I have not yet begun to fight!" was uttered in reply to a demand to surrender in this phase of the battle)</span>