For some, celebrating means drinking cold glasses of red drinks and feasting on watermelon or spicy red sausages, symbolizing the blood and resilience of former slaves. For others, it means indulging in traditional black Southern cuisine like fried chicken, collard greens and cornbread.
A farmer moves to an industrial area to work in a coal mine.
During the time of industrial revolution in England, the economy in that country moved from the primary to the secondary sector of the country. There were more people who were dependent on factories and industries for earning their livelihood as compared to be dependent on the agriculture for the same purpose. In this incident also, a farmer left his farm work and started to work in an industry and improved his standards of living.
Claudius felt the ruin of Athens was due to the fact they refused to grant citizenship to foreigners. In a way, this was probably true, in that by not allowing foreigners to enter they halted the growth of Athens, which meant the city became stagnant
Option: (4) limit consumption by rationing goods.
During World War I and World War II, many governments introduce a ration system which brought a balance in the economy in various countries. Every nation established a system of rationing that would fairly distribute foods and other goods that were in short supply. Certain food items rationed included sugar, meat, cooking oil, and canned goods.