There are three types of balance which are symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, and approximate balance. Symmetrical balance is where the artwork is evenly placed with its balance. Asymmetrical balance is where it’s not evenly placed with balance. Approximate balance is where the piece of artwork has balance using the other elements of art like colors, lines, shapes and more, but doesn’t have any identical areas or objects within the artwork
Myths are not true stories and are usually passed down from generation to generation.
A legend is a story of a certain person, supernatural entity and the like.
A visual metaphor is representation of a thing, object, place or person by way of visual image that suggests or shows relativity or similarity with something or someone.
A belief is could not be true to all but could be accepted as a fact within a certain group of people, culture or individual.
I would personally say that "one" would probably give up on life if there is no family(relitives), or if "one" is not financially healthy. Or suffering in types of ways such as, "no legs or arms", so "one" would say "there is no point in life now".