They have a rhyme scheme of ABAB, CDCD, EFEF. The final two lines are a couplet and have the rhyme scheme GG. You can see the pattern with the last words of each line in the Shakespearean sonnet example noted above: A - sun.
On the other side of the island, "swathed at midday with mirage, defended by the shield of the quiet lagoon, one might dream of rescue," but, on this side, "the brute obtuseness of the ocean" makes rescue seem impossible.
Answer:Your order has been shipped by us.
- The main themes in "The Veldt" are reality versus fantasy, technology, and consumerism. Realty versus fantasy: Though the environments the nursery recreates are not meant to be real in a tangible sense, the vivid sensory experiences enable violent impulses to take shape.
- Veldt” portrays a futuristic society in which things, especially consumer goods, have gained a life of their own. In the name of convenience and contentment, technology fulfills people's every need, reducing humans to passive beings who only eat, breathe, and sleep.
- What is the meaning of the phrase “'Children are carpets, they should be stepped on occasionally'” (Paragraph 131)? Parents should step on their children. Children should listen to their parents. Parents should discipline their children. ... They love it in the way that they should love their parents
The Veldt," Bradbury may have used the virtual lions to kill the parents to emphasize the serious dangers of technology. In much of Ray Bradbury's science fiction, there is an underlying distrust of technology.