In the story macbeth had said it
Answer: Paragraph Response
Coates describes the importance of videogames in the modern world and there effect on the population playing them. He says, " Like most of my generation, I was raised on video games. Like most of my generation, I assumed that this obsession would pass at the proper time-say when I turned 30. But like most of my generation, I was wrong" this shows the reader that at the beginning, no one expected the impact of video games to be so enormous and continuous. Yet, they remain and are getting bigger and bigger as time passes. As the player grows and experiences life, the video games they play stay the same, youthful and fun, a never-ending portal back to childhood. Coates supports these points with his personal experiences with video games, making it clear to the reader what he believes. It is a world of your creation, and the time spent in that virtual fantasy is priceless.
Brutus is a tragic hero as his judgement of error in killing Caesar leads to his downfall but he is an inherently good man.
Brutus is an enigmatic character in the play as he joins the conspiracy and drags the dagger into the heart of Caesar yet he has love for him and torments himself for doing it.
He does not kill Caesar eventually because he hates him, he mentions repeatedly that he likes him and thinks of him as a great man and as a friend .
He does so because he thinks this is what will be good for Rome and as a patriot it is his responsibility to do this for the nation.
He torments himself for the act and realizes eventually that it has done more harm than good, making him die in the end as his fall is tragic and follows the classical principles.
I was happy to unburthen the heavy load of groceries from my hands.
i expounded my opinion on the matter.
the fashion style baroque is very ornate.
i conducted rigorous research on the civil war
he had a hard time understanding which made him nervous about his inscrutability
she swooned after she saw the blood
i was stupefied at the scene
some dogs have docility some dont
she had a very sagacious look on her face
she tinctured the box