"tener" when conjugated in present tense:
Yo tengo
Tú tienes
Usted tiene
Él tiene
Ella tiene
Nosotros tenemos
Ustedes tienen
Ellos tienen
Ellas tienen
Sorry if I'm wrong -_-
Para mi
Para ti
Para el, para ella, para ti
Para nosotros
Para todos ustedes
A ellos a todos ustedes
El complemento directo, el indirecto y el circunstancial.
The equivalent ending for an adverb in English that ends in "ly" is mente. The first option is the correct one. This is the most common way to form adverbs in Spanish. You just take an adjective, for example, triste (sad) and add -mente to its end in order to create an adverb: tristemente, meaning sadly. It is quite the same as in English, where you have an adjective sad, and add -ly to its ending to create an adverb sadly.
C: everyone has to be in their seats when the class starts.
Hope this helps!