Agriculture. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy, accounting for 57.9% of the GDP in 1997. Main cash crops include coffee, palm oil, rubber, cotton, sugar, tea, and cocoa. Food crops include cassava, plantains, maize, groundnuts, and rice.The DRC is one of the richest countries in terms of natural resources in Africa. It has cooper, cobalt, zinc, coltan, cassiterite, gold, bauxite, diamond, oil, and gas.
1 making the people vote for the president
2 making the votes for a law have to be accepted by 2/3 of the house
Country A
Country B is near the equator which means that it has warmer more regulated tempatures than A
The USS Maine exploded in Cuba’s Havana harbor. This ignited the war because the US believed that the Spaniards had something to do with it.