Answer:option c
Restorative justice is a good way of resolving minor legal conflicts between
people, but it is unlikely to be useful in addressing serious or violent crimes.
The central idea or (main idea) in a piece of writing is the point that the author wants you to remember most.
In this test option c fulfills this requirement and potrays the main point the author is talking about
Because just putting answers
Fahrenheit 451 is set in an unspecified city at an unspecified time in the future after the year 1960. The novel is divided into three parts: "The Hearth and the Salamander", "The Sieve and the Sand", and "Burning Bright".
He is not concerned about it.
As he didn´t went out to the porch running, but barely steps closer to take a glance at what was happening, he seems relaxed and not concerned at all with what just happened, this means that he does not care, nor is interested in learning more about it, he isn´t also disappointed that it wasn´t more excited, he just doesn´t care.