El sistema nervioso tiene dos partes principales: El sistema nervioso central está compuesto por el cerebro y la médula espinal. El sistema nervioso periférico está compuesto por todos los nervios que se ramifican desde la médula espinal y se extienden a todas las partes del cuerpo.
ATP can't store large amounts of energy for long periods of time.
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Cigarette smoking and environmental chemicals
Tobacco smoke and certain environmental chemicals are known carcinogens (substances that can cause cancer in living tissue). The tobacco smoke from cigarette smoking contains harmful chemicals such as hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, ammonia, benzene, and many more. In fact, from 2009 to 2013, three out of 10 cancer deaths in the U.S have been attributed to cigarette smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke.
A tide just after the first or third quarters of the moon when there is least difference between high and low water