has become so ingrained in society that it's hard to remember ... For many of us fully immersed in the digital age, it's hard to imagine a world before the ... Using mobile devices and computers is bad for our posture.
Along with independence from Britain, Thomas Paine proposed that the colonies take advantage of the massive amount of natural resources and untapped land to the west, so that they could expand their power and influence.
The Triple Entente WAS NOT an alliance - nothing was ever signed by Britain.It was an understanding in the early 20th century between Britain,France,and Russia by which they all agreed that none of them liked Germany much,and effectively admitted that they all therefore had a common interest in opposing German aims.
The Triple Alliance was a full alliance between Germany,Austria-Hungary,and Italy signed in 1882,the purpose of which was to keep France isolated.When WW1 began in 1914,Italy welshed on the alliance on the grounds that the war was caused by German aggression (a popular international view long before the Treaty of Versailles).