<h3>Yes, children can be cruel...</h3>
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"Based on your own experiences, do you believe children can often be cruel to others?"
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Kids are brutally honest. If your hair looked crazy, they'd be the first to tell you.
<em>From my experience, kids have straight out told my sibling that they're "U-G-L-E-E," and my cousin used to burn ants, pillbugs, even bees in the sun with my dad's glasses. Yet another one of my cousins dumped 1.5 pounds of fish food in the tank when I wasn't looking, leaving all 6 of the tetras dead... peace is never an option for them. </em>
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Have a great day/night! :)
sentence 4
that sentence is not needed for the paragraph to make sense
ususally one should not plit an infinitive.
In this excerpt the candle symbolizes Ivan Illyich's approaching death.
Ivan is thinking about his death and what will happen to him afterwards. This is reflected in the candle falling to the floor. Because once there was light from the candle, and since it falls that light is no more. The burning out of the candle symbolizes death.
y now, you've probably heard that taking illicit drugs might have the unfortunate effect of frying your brain -- especially if you're familiar with the now-cliche 1980s anti-drug ad that elegantly compares drug use to egg frying with the pithy message:
"This is your brain (an egg). This is drugs (a hot frying pan). This is your brain on drugs (one fried egg). Any questions?"