<span>ENIAC was the first commercially successful computer, released in 1946.
</span>The name ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer<span>).</span><span>
It was </span>used to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States Army's Research Laboratory.
It was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania.
The program displays 5 4 3 2 1 and then raises an Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception.
A sample of code output is attached.
The code snippet contain xMethod that takes an array and array length as argument.
In the given snippet, the array {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and length (5) is passed as argument to the method.
First the method display the element of the array in reverse order
System.out.print(" " + x[length - 1]);
and then the method call itself again. This displays
5 from x[4]
4 from x[3]
3 from x[2]
2 from x[1]
1 from x[0]
but after displaying 1, when it tries to call the method again, an array index out of bound exception is thrown because it will try accessing an element from the array when it is already exhausted.
There should be a little icon at the bottom of your question box/answer box. It looks like a paper clip. click it and boom
It’s says the same thing to me too!