The Monroe Doctrine had a long lasting impact on the foreign policy of the United States. Presidents throughout history invoked the Monroe Doctrine when intervening in foreign affairs in the Western Hemisphere. Here are some examples of the Monroe Doctrine in action.
1865 - The U.S. government helped to overthrow Mexican Emperor Maximilian I who was put in power by the French. He was replaced by President Benito Juarez.
1904 - President Theodore Roosevelt added the "Roosevelt Corollary" to the Monroe Doctrine. He used the doctrine to stop what he called "wrongdoing" in several countries. It was the beginning of the U.S. acting as an international police force in the Americas.
1962 - President John F. Kennedy invoked the Monroe Doctrine during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The U.S. placed a naval quarantine around Cuba to prevent the Soviet Union from installing ballistic missiles on the island.
1982 - President Reagan invoked the Monroe Doctrine to fight communism in the Americas including countries such as Nicaragua and El Salvador.
For most of the recorded history, or more specifically till around the period of the expansion of the Arabian Empire, it was a relative unknown for most of the the other countries. It is not that the others didn't knew the region, but the region was not of interest of any of the other countries so it was left mostly unexplored. This was due to several reasons:
- The landscape; it was and still is a desert dominated region, so it was dangerous and unattractive for most people.
- The population; there was a very small population which was predominantly nomadic so it was not of great use for the foreign countries.
- Scarcity of resources; Arabia lacked any significant resources that can increase an interest in the region, and the biggest problem of all was the lack of water since the Arabian Peninsula doesn't have a single constant river flow.
Answer: making manifest destiny an official federal policy
D.The war went according to plan and the U.S. and coalition forces pulled out within the year.
Greece had a lot of islands so it made sharing ideas easier