Exercise B:
1- Guillermo esta leyendo un libro.
2- Guillermo le da el ketchup a su amiga.
1. Yo me ducho el cuerpo
2. Ellas se peinan el pelo
3. Nosotros nos despertamos
4. Bob se lava la cara
5. Tú te cepillas los dientes
¡Mi familia está bien! mis hermanos son muy altos y muy atléticos. ¿Tienes hermanos?
that means: My family is doing well! my brothers are getting very tall, and are very athletic. Do you have any siblings?
no it's your choice although you can get paid a lot for learning both languages! plus learning Spanish is not that hard :)
El jugo de naranja - The orange juice
Debes beberlo frío - you must drink it cold
Ponlo en la ensalada - put it on the salad
Debes comerla con una cuchara - you must use a spoon to eat it.