(C) Freud's insistence in the anatomically rooted inferiority of women.
Behavioral therapy is the uniform term for various therapies that treat mental health disorders. It usually identifies and help change unhealthy behaviors. It's worthy of note, to state that all behaviors are learned and the unhealthy behaviors can be changed.
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist, physiologist and medical doctor born on the 6th of May, 1856 in Czech Republic. He is considered to be the founding father of psychoanalysis, which is typically a clinical method used for treating mental illness or psychopathology by establishing a dialogue between a psychoanalyst and the mental patient.
The Freudian psychoanalytic theory of personality development states that personality is formed as a result of the conflict between three basic structures of the human mind, which includes the id, ego and superego.
In the psychoanalytic theory of personality development (psychoanalysis), Freud insisted that women had inferiority anatomically rooted in them.
It reduces strength.
It not desirable to produce concrete mixtures of a higher consistency than normal because the strength of the concrete decreases. Consistency plays an important role in the determination of strength of concrete. Less water than normal quantity in concrete increases the consistency but decreases strength due to incomplete chemical reaction while on the other hand, adding more water would increase water-cement ratio and reduces consistency as well as strength of the concrete so that's why necessary amount of water and cement should be added to get higher strength.
What you ate for breakfast this morning is most likely to be encoded automatically.
What Is Automatic Encoding / Programming?
Automatic encoding is a memory process in which information is taken in and encoded without conscious effort. This is demonstrated by a person's ability to learn and remember how things are organized in a house or where to find specific items in a grocery store. These are things that can be learned quickly through experience rather than through study or effort.
The term “automatic coding” or “programming” refers to coding that is generated automatically by another program based on given specifications. It is code writing code in the true sense of the term. In fact, theoretically, you could have code that writes code that writes code that writes code! That may appear to be very technical, but you have probably seen examples of such programming in your daily life. You’ve probably seen it in action if you’ve used Microsoft Excel or Access.
As a result, "What you ate for breakfast this morning" is most likely to be encoded automatically because an individual's breakfast is predictable. By collecting an individual's breakfast pattern data, we can feed this data to the system, and with this data, a system can easily encode and predict an individual's next breakfast.
To know more about Encoding, visit:
The correct answer is B)
A curved line graph originating from point on the Y axis is shown with distance in miles on Y axis and time in hours on X axis evidences a changes in the speed of an object.
A straight line on the other hand typifies constant velocity.
Every single one of these things are bad which is why all but one is less