The correct answer is C: "a repeated grouping of two or more lines in a poem that often share a pattern of rhythm and rhyme."
A stanza is a division of a poem which consists of a series of lines arranged together, forming a unit. Stanzas usually have a fixed length, meter, or rhyming scheme.
Answer: Some details you can include are how the nurse let Juliet get away with certain things she shouldn’t have, and if Lord Capulet wasn’t so selfish, and put aside the drama they could’ve been together the right way.
Percent of your speech should be should the introduction be is 20-30%
Ha is a 10-year-old girl who wants to feel close to her family but instead feels very alone. She has three older brothers, but does not really play with them or feel close to them. In the poem “Kim Hà,” she says her brothers tease her, calling her names like “River Horse.” She says she “can’t make her brothers go live elsewhere,” which makes me think she wants to be separate from them. But then in “Birthday Wishes,”she says she “wishes she could do what boys do.” It’s like she wants to be close to them but at the same time she doesn’t, so she pushes them away. It’s the same with her mom. In “Kim Hà,” she says she still “loves being near her mother” and is always just “three steps away.” But then in “Birthday Wishes,” Ha says she wishes her mother wouldn’t “chide her,” and doesn’t talk about feeling close to her at all. I think she wants to be close to her family but doesn’t know how.
<em><u>d. important; appropriate</u></em>
<em>Think about the speech that MLK made.</em>
<em>When he said "I have a dream", he was talking to a whole lot of people, right? And all those people were inspired by that speech, and it allowed them to move forward in their lives.</em>
<em><u>When you make a speech, it has to be made so that people would be fulfilled by it and should make them feel more encouraged. You would want to make it so that others will believe YOU and that it will make them feel moved, making them more amused by your story. </u></em>
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<em><u>Now, if you were to make a speech about something irrelevant, like fights and stuff, people wouldn't really want to read anything like that cause it would make them want to do it as well.</u></em>