The shared reason why Austria-Hungary and Germany became members of the Triple Alliance was because they shared ethnic ties.
Michael Stultz, M.A. Spielberg uses a black and white sepia film stock in Schindler's List to give verisimilitude to the film, to take the edge off the bloodshed, and to strike a contrast between awareness of the Holocaust and apathy. The film begins in color.
A.) casting a ballot Casting a ballot is the actual voting process
B.) registering to vote You must be registered to actually vote
C.) canvassing the vote . Is done by election volunteers to ask a person how they are going to vote to determine pre-election polls
D.) preparing the vote is looking at the issues on the ballot and deciding which candidate to vote for on whether to vote yes or no on the issues
Answer: A B D
If there’s an option about opposite angles, then I would say that’s it