C. Ghibellines
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Dante's family had loyalties to the Guelphs, a political alliance that supported the Papacy and which was involved in complex opposition to the Ghibellines, who were backed by the Holy Roman Emperor. The poet's mother was Bella, likely a member of the Abati family. The Ghibellines.
The middle class was different after the industrial revolution than it was before because prior to the Industrial Revolution, Europe had a small middle class. Following the Industrial Revolution, the middle class greatly grew.
After the industrial revolution, the lower classes were been able to "rise up" economically by getting new jobs in factories, thus much of the lower class entered the middle class.
He believed state banks were more helpful to the common man.
Jackson prefers state banks to a national bank because "He believed state banks were more helpful to the common man."
This is evident in the fact, Andrew Jackson, President of the United States between 1829 to 1837, felt that the national bank because is a risk to the conventional standards with which America was endowed. That is when the national bank takes the management of the money supply in a centralized entity, this will pose a threat to American society.
Los establos básicos de la dieta mesoamericana: maíz, frijol, calabaza y chile.
Juggernaut means an irresistible force or power
Terms from the 20th Century</h3>
The 20th Century is known to have recorded the dealiest wars that saw terrible deaths of civilians snd soldiers. Some notable ones includes:
- World War II
- Russian Civil War
Some notable terms from the wars includes:
Advent -The introduction or beginning of something new
Fundamental -the most important; e.g., a set of beliefs
Internment- the act of detaining or confining people during a time of war
Juggernaut -an irresistible force or power
Genocide- the attempted extermination of a culture, race, or religion
Attrition-The gradual wearing away of morale and the power to resist by persistent attacks
Learn more on Matching terms