The Sumner is absolutely right because in this universe, every man and woman have to take of their own self and are responsible for themselves. They should not depend on others for their protection.
With the rights given to the men and the women who are the citizens of a country, there are certain responsibilities of the men and the women also that they should fulfill.
They should take care of themselves on their own and should not depend on others to take care of them. The government of a country should make policies to protect them but they should take care of themselves also. Thus this view of Sumner is right.
C. Please hand me the big,blue notebook
In the essay Benjamin Franklin wrote in 1784 about Native Americans, titled “Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America”, he stated that the Native Americans were called savages “because their manners differ from ours, which we think the perfection of civility; they think the same of theirs.” The theme of empathy is seen in Franklin’s essay, as he encouraged seeing the other person’s point of view in dealing with the Native Americans. In highlighting the similarity of how Native Americans conduct their public councils to how order is maintained in the British House of Commons, he promoted the value of respect for diversity.
Anxiety was the problem he actually had a very serve case of it. Which lead to death unfortunately