When using MLA formatting, the final page of your essay should contain the Works Cited page, because that is where you will state all the sources of your information that you have quoted and drawn upon to formulate your essay.
A graphic novel is a novel in a comic strip format
poetry is literary work in which strong intensity in given to express emotions and ideas using style and rhythm
fiction is a form literature that makes unrealistic and false stories or events (often found in novels and short stories)
Short run is a period of time when we can change only variable factors not fixed factors.
Dictionary: To find the definition of a word.
Pronunciation Key: A guide indicating how words are pronounced.
Guide Words: Indicating the alphabetical first and last words on the page.
Thesaurus: To find the synonym and/or antonyms of a specific word.
<span>In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.</span>