He feared Kepler will come out with a universal theory for planetary motion and thereby taking all the credit by himself
According to Epicurus people need to have faith on themselves and avoid distrust or distress of sin, people need to focus on "karma" to be happy.
Epicurus argued that people would better practice religion by leading a life of self-sufficiency surrounded by friends. He explained that the source of all human neurosis is fear of death and a propensity for individuals to believe that death is going to be horrible and painful, which he believed causes massive distress, self-protective behaviors and hypocrisy.
The aim of philosophy for Epicurus has been to help individuals achieve a happy, peaceful life represented by ataraxia (peace and freedom from fear) and aponia (painlessness). He explained that humans behave ethically not because gods threaten or honor people for their beliefs, but because amoral behavior would stress them with shame and discourage them from achieving ataraxia.
Through hundreds of legal measures, the Nazi-led German government gradually excluded Jews from public life, the professions, and public education. The goal of Nazi propaganda was to demonize Jews and to create a climate of hostility and indifference toward their plight. On Kristallnacht—the Night of Broken Glass—Jewish businesses and synagogues were destroyed in the first act of state-sponsored violence against the Jewish community. Many Jews who had the means tried to leave Germany but encountered countless bureaucratic hurdles.
The Industrial Revolution</h2>
Cause: They made prices cheaper
Effect: Now the middle class are able to get food, clothes and houses
Cause: Production work increased
Effect: More people could get jobs
Another effect: However, as more production work increased people had to do work every day with no break, if you were sick you had to work or else someone else would take the job from you.
Cause: There was no sanitation, they would butcher meat with rats in the room with them. There was no clean water, no soap, no things to clean places.
Effect: A lot of people would get sick and get diseases.
I will finish the rest soon