C. Continuous: Discontinuous
Continuous development: is a cumulative process whereby changes are gradual. It is the type of development that occurs gradually over time. A good example is height.
Discontinuous development: is the process whereby development takes place at a specific step or stage. This type of development is more associated with sudden changes rather than gradual changes.
In reality tho, development as a whole encompasses both continuous and discontinuous development.
The constitution uses the system of checks and balances to keep any one branch of the government from becoming too powerful
The Minoans owed their prosperity and sophistication to their success as a great maritime civilization, delpendent on the sea for trade and food. They traded with Egypt, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Greece and Spain.t is likely, says Stamatoyannopoulos, that the Minoans descended from Neolithic populations that migrated to Europe from the Middle East and Turkey. Archaeological excavations suggest that early farmers were living in Crete by around 9,000 years ago, so these could be the ancestors of the Minoans.
We will notice that even though they were written within a period of just over a decade and mostly by the same people, the differences are quite clear between them.
If we compare the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of the U.S we would get a fair idea of the differences between them. The Articles were heavily criticized for centralizing all the powers in the hands of state governments and leaving the central government at their disposal. But this wasn't the only distinguishing point between these documents. The two distinguished in several ways such as the judiciary, power of levying taxes, the number of votes in Congress, etc.