Yes you can control what others do with your stuff or on you property <span />
Demographers use youngest-old to describe people between the ages of 65 and 74 years.
Demography is the statistical study of populations, particularly people. Demographic analysis can cover complete societies or groups described by means of criteria such as education, nationality, faith, and ethnicity.
The Census Bureau employs demographers, as do many government businesses, consisting of the country-wide Institutes of fitness, that conduct surveys. Demographers also are employed by faculties and universities and with the aid of non-profit organizations. some jobs will be available in business and marketing.
learn more about demography here
A. Protestant.
The Mennonites are a sect or group of Christian believers that was founded by Menno Simons. They are also known as the Anabaptists, a radical reform sect of the Christian faith.
They do not identify themselves as either Protestant or Catholics but also adhere to some of the Christian faiths and beliefs. Their name Anabaptists do not mean they are "anti-baptists" but rather "rebaptizers". They did not entirely oppose the teachings of either the Catholic or Protestant faith, but also disagree with some of them. They also have their own set of beliefs and rules, though not entirely devoid or contradictory to the Christian faith. They are in fact, a member of the Protestant church of the Christian faith.
A cartel differs from a monopoly in that businesses making the same product agree to limit production. The definition of a cartel is "in economics, a cartel is an agreement between competing firms to control prices or exclude entry of a new competitor in a market."