He was the god of blacksmiths so of fire and crafts. A lot of people call him the God of the forge, that's his most common name
Metaphor I think, are there options?

Charlie found squirrels arranged in the room who were shelling nuts and throwing the bad nuts in the garbage chute. Verruca wanted a trained squirrel as a pet, she asked her father, Mr. Wonka, to get purchase one. The squirrels were not for sale, so Verruca went inside and tried to take one squirrel, the squirrels got mad and started to attack her and see if she was a bad nut. The squirrels then threw Verruca into the garbage chute thinking she was a bad nut.
Gregor’s transformation into new physical form is both disgusting and sympathetic to the family.Initially, Grete and his mother are more sympathetic towards him, Grete as a caretaker goes beyond to find what food would Gregor like to eat. On the other hand, the mother is against moving the furniture out of Gregor’s room hoping that he would return to his human form. Gregor’s father shows his sympathy towards him by abiding by the family in taking care of Gregor.
As Gregor’s appearance changes the family becomes gradually uncomfortable and unsympathetic towards him as it stresses them out. The mother is horrified with his appearance and faints, on the other hand, Grete is unable to bear to withstand with Gregor in the same room. Ultimately, Gregor is unable to communicate his feelings which leads apart from any humane feelings. Lastly, Grete the major supporter of Gregor’s decides to get rid of him.
True because everybody gets to spend time with there familias